Attempting to regain lost skills (or skills that were never there...) from the past four years of my life...

Age 32, Male

Radical Psychonaut

I wish :(

New York

Joined on 1/9/10

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Ef-X's News

Posted by Ef-X - March 30th, 2011

I wrote a poem about materialism, reincarnation, and the afterlife. Perhaps you might find it interesting.

Balanced out no more.
Lost in the grey woods. One-way signs/crumbling walls.
Tighter by the second.
No bodily form.
Psychopomps. Floating towards Alpha.
The maze of the old village. Dreaded by its visitors. Loved by its captors.
Phosphorescent ivy and moss. Scent of dog saliva.
Taking one step-forward...blind folded.

Wet sole.
Raining upwards. Every step of the way.
A walking mist.
Sorrounded by forest beings.
Throat grunts. Drone sounds. Bitter Landscape
Beings diminish from the field of vision.
Sinking. Every-step of the way.
The Ox. Facing North.
Forward. What for.
No logic. No form. No purpose.
Fading Away.


Posted by Ef-X - March 15th, 2011


ok that was a bit mean...the video will explain the situation.

Here's my two cents:
Everyone should follow this kid's example. If a bully is messing with you, going to the principal isn't an option, seeking an adult isn't an option, the way this kid took care of it in the video is just hands down the only way the problem can be taken care of. We know (some of us by experience) that seeking an adult for bullying situations don't tend to work (at least in cases like the one above) the only way to solve it is laying down a quick warning...in this case it was a body slam. You get feared into not fighting with threats like suspension and your "permanent record"...that's bullshit. Come senior year you realize that the suspensions and the negative things on your permanent records, unless very frequent, don't affect your future goals at all. Problems have a way to sort themselves out and a suspension is a lesser problem than bullying...so remember kids next time a bully messes with you...FUCKING BODY SLAM HIM!

Casey...what a man...this is what should happen every time!

Posted by Ef-X - December 2nd, 2010

Lets face it kids. We all know Mario does it for the pussy. We also know Wario does it for the money but accidentally gets the pussy. The purpose of this post is to explain the dilemmas of getting the pussy and how to solve it so that you, the reader, can finally get the pussy. The pussy has been a symbol used in philosophy as a form of expressing free will; you have all heard "Man i would like to get some pussy right now!" These people are in fact expressing their freedom whether it is morally correct or not (amoralism ftw.) I am starting to sound like humans would just get pussy at will, that is not neccesarily correct. I do not condone rape as it is a way to prevent another individual's free will. So how do we overcome this dilemma? we forget about wanting to get the pussy! I will use two video games example, listed above, to prove my statement. I will start with Mario:
We are told Mario has to rescue the princess but we are not given a reason. Mario seems like a well grown human being and I have reached the conclusion that he is going through a mid life crisis. That's right kids his hormones and concept of free will plus the existential dilemma in his life led Mario to save the princess only for the pussy. In the end he doesn't get the pussy because he concentrated on the pussy! don't concentrate on the pussy!
Wario on the other hand is where is at. If Da Vinci was the ideal renaissance man then Wario is the ideal contemporary man. Wario has one purpose in life, to get as much money as possible. He doesn't care about the pussy but somehow always ends up stumbling upon it. Take Warioland 4 for example, in it Wario decides to steal everything inside a pyramid, he manages to do this and gets a princess to kiss him, teleport away, and wait for him on a hotel room.
So the moral of this post is to never look straight for the pussy but to build yourself up for it. Get the green, get the rims, and get the crib just like Wario did.

The Philosophical Dilemmas of Getting "the pussy." Or how Wario gets more pussy than Mario.

Posted by Ef-X - December 1st, 2010

Interesting fact:

If you look up asiansimilies in google you only get one site, the twitter site for asiansimilies! in it you will find daily similes to use for several daily rituals. While you are at the water cooler cracking jokes! while you are at home during a game! while your wife argues with you! While you are on an interview because you got fired for using that similie on the water cooler! While you are on rush hour coming back from the interview! or when you have your cup of coffee in the morning!

So head on over to asiansimilies and start getting your daily dose of similes.

Posted by Ef-X - April 27th, 2010

Posted by Ef-X - April 7th, 2010


The first official Ef-X radio session is brought to you by Old Spice:
http://www.dumpert.nl/mediabase/905151 /bfc1b18e/old_spice_commercial.html
For more info go here:
http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/11 58563

Today we are going to be dealing with the composer William Basinski and the soundtrack to the video game Braid. If you do not know who William Basinski is then you can be excused, however, if you are not aware of the existence of a video game called Braid then shame on you! but we are all here to learn right? right! :D

First things first: BRAID:

Braid is a masterpiece (being bias here i know) for many reasons. Its graphics (its like stepping into a late 19th/early 20th century oil painting sequence,) its storyline (its really what you believe the ending was; there's no clear ending,) and its music! oh its music....
Braid's soundtrack comes from a not known record label hq'd in Berkley, California called Magnatune. Let me tell you, these composers have mad talent, MAD! Anyways without further ado the first song in our broadcast! Undercurrent!

1.Jami Sieber:
Why save the best for last? This I think, no scratch that, I know is the quintessence of the entire soundtrack. It has all the emotions the game gives you. Dread, Tranquility, angst, hyperactivity (if that is an emotion) and it encompasses all the styles brought by other songs on the soundtrack (like Drone music, Folk music, and Ambient-like music.)

2. Jami Sieber:
The intro to the game. This sets the tone for the entire adventure, you could notice right away its ambient drone like quality. As the song proceeds you hear violins and other such instruments but the song still keeps its hypnotic quality. Its a song that could send any human into a deep muse.

3. Shira Kammen and Swan:
Lullaby Set
This one is based on a classic tune called the Manx Lullaby. Regardless, you can still fell the hypnotic dream quality that this piece holds reminiscence of the whole game and its themes.

This game has achievements written all over it, so if you still haven't checked it out do so!

Our second person on the list is WIlliam Basinski:

No Homo but he is my muse, nearly all of my artistic creations have stemmed from me listening to the music he has made. Basinski started as a jazz major artist and then eventually moved to experimental music. His breakthrough arrived when he discovered that the tapes he tried to recovered from his recordings back in the 80s disintegrated. This became known as the Disintegration loops and what came out of these "pastoral" (as Basinski calls them) compositions are nothing short of...well just check it out for yourself:

1. Dlp 1.1
The head of the entire disintegration loop series. For me it symbolizes the zeitgeist during the turn of the century (20th to 21st century that is.) *NOTE* Basinski Recorded this series on the eve of 9/11 *NOTE* An experimental piece who's roots trace back to Ancient Chinese compositions giving it a sacred overtone. This is furniture music at its best.

2. Dlp 3
The darker side to the behemoth of a piece. Even in its brooding feeling the piece still garners a sacred tone.

3. Dlp 6
The most "sacred" of them all. As with every piece of the series this piece holds a unique feeling to the individuals that listen to it. In my terms this feeling is one of optimism as well as other feelings.

4. Melancholia 2
This piece is a recurring motif in his series called "Melancholia" once again, its based on your opinion.

5. El Camino Real
This is Basinski showing his drone side at full max.

I stumbled upon Basinski while looking for glitch music. I have yet to find a musician who has fueled my need to create like Basinski. And I wish you have a certain musician that does the same for you.


Posted by Ef-X - April 7th, 2010


I don't know if this would ever reach an audience or a single individual (look at the order i put that statement in) but hell if it will matter in the future. Anyways here we go:

This is Ef-x radio, bringing you some less known songs from around the globe (nah mostly america most likely) the purpose of this is to enrich your mind with experimental and other works of art as well as to ease my boredom on a tuesday (to wednesday night.) The first band of the first radio session is called Negativland. I stumbled upon them while looking for sample music. The band goes way back to the late 70s/early 80s and are known for their pranks and other such incidents which will be mentioned when I get to it.

The first song on our list is:
The answer is...
-Kick ass arpeggios hinting at the pop like futurist sounds of the 50s (retro-futurism 4 the win! am i right?) but of course you can have different meanings. Moving on...

The second song is:
Christianity is stupid
-So as the pranksters they are (like I mentioned before) these guys decided to end their tour to play a prank on people based on the Brom murders. David Brom was a kid that got mad at his father and killed his whole family because he did not agree with his music. The band released a press release that said they where placed on house arrest until further notice because their song "Christianity is Stupid" inspired the murders.

The final song is (this is a badass one:)
The Letter U And The Numeral 2
-By now i suggest whoever is reading this to wiki them because I just cannot summarize the problem this band got in with u2 among other things.


Posted by Ef-X - April 3rd, 2010

You can't make a blank news post.