
158 Audio Reviews

112 w/ Responses


I really don't know what to think about this one...the one word that comes to my mind is Juggernaut. I imagine a katamari-like unstoppable object rolling down a hill in slow motion while destroying everything in its path. Oh hold it, believe it or not for me the first batch of melody sounded dissonant however the second batch of melodies sounded consonant to me. You know I am always curious to find out your approach to this piece, technically speaking since that is what you digg.

AliceMako responds:

Yeah i do dig that, disregard the last sentence i wrote earlier, i wrote up a long ass tech report then ran out of characters, wiped it and kinda told myself it was too much x3

To abbreviate, i'm working on getting patterns layered, kinda like those too far and few in between dark ambient tracks mr nine inch nails does.

The first melody pattern is probably dissonant sounding cus that's no plain delay unit you're hearing, it's the same signal routed through twentytwo equalisers all played at a half second slower pitch then the one before it.

(if that makes any sense x3)

Allso i made a conscious effort, like in the previous upload, to absolutely scrape the bottom of the barrel in terms of what i could wringe out of a single oscillator on each seperate synth i used, i.e not only are there no samples in this ditty even though i carbon copied a frefab loop as the template, meaning that every instrument you hear is actually a synth, but i allso managed to crank everyone of them out of a single oscillator per instrument used.

Completely off topic but related ; the bulk of my work doesn't see the light of screen anywhere cus my business is making noise, the abhorent kind that really nobody cares for. (anything that ends up here is easy listening and i've politely removed the "things" nobody could bear long enough to opt clicking zero vs hitting backspace :D )

Notable exceptions being deviants of some sort or another but it's not my place to comment on my audience, i exist by their grace after all <3


I agree with the comment below to increase the sound of the whole track. Also, take into consideration adding more bass to the bass drum make it give the song a bit push to it. I liked the progression the track took, and I understand that its supposed to be minimal so I'll keep that in mind for my score. (btw: that snare @ 1:24 was nice.)
the track would beast if you tweak around with it and balance out sounds here and there (the bass drum as i mentioned, the effect that kicked in around 1:25 and ended @ 1:53.)

Not so odd

You talking about esoteric knowledge O.o?

If newgrounds had a word count, dread would be your #1 word. The dissonant sounds reached through dissonant notes and effects (the echo of the first two instruments matching rhythmically) prove this. I'm curious at how the song keeps an interesting progression being repeated again and again i.e. not a boring loop :D you flavored the loop with a handful of different techniques and effects (i think i heard voices halfway into the track.) 5/5. Also the fact that I been reviewing your music late at night gives it an extra touch. What was your goal for this one?

AliceMako responds:

Sure, what if i am? ^_-

I don't know if it does but i don't know whom loops appeal to apart from easy quips about mild autism or inate absent mindedness.

Every trick employed here is due to more study and excercise with synthesizer programming, no external effect devices whatsoever though several oscillators may have been grievously injured during the making of this piece.

There's voices in the middle, courtesy of my love affair with formant filters.

Well i'd venture we're in different time zones so perhaps my experiments are dispensed when they best suit you? :3

The object of this excercise is a long story that i'm not going to relate here.

Lol sounds happy

Reminds me somehow of the progression in Cannon by Pachelbel. I really digg'd the progression the piano loop took and the sound the guitar made (what's the name of the instrument.) It shows influence of classical music with the fast piano notes on place. The strings just felt a bit off for me (not off in the sense of rhythm but placing) perhaps lower them an octave, though with the introduction of a different guitar melody you seemed to back it up nice. Pretty solid. 5/5.

Cmdtrigun responds:

Half way into making it I realized it's super similar to Cannon :D The instrument is just and acoustic guitar that I tweaked a bit. I understand your qualm with the strings, they're a bit iffy for me too. Glad you liked it though, thanks :)


Damn this is good. Easily fit a video game no doubt. The atmosphere it creates and the interesting percussion and choices of instruments. 5/5.

Listening to this...

@ 3 in the morning is a trip.
I symbolized the intro sound as footsteps...miners working on a mine exposed to all the horrible gases, their voices doing these weird sounds ...any how by the division they are trapped and attempt to leave...and as the track nears the end they mine themselves out...oh man. I am strangely attracted to this track (not sexually) just intrigued at how these sounds come together...panning and stuff...they make and all that other little technical details that makes me interested in your music. Interested at how you introduced the percussion and then stopped all the other instruments then proceeded to repeat...there's just something classical or at least natural to it for me. 5/5.

AliceMako responds:

It's perfectly natural :3


Smooth sampling going on here. Slowing the tempo to match with the vocals just give it a more diverse taste than both original samples as well as a different outlook in the song, i.e. you created a new song...a new feel with two different songs. This is a great example of sampling and its amazing potential for music creativity. Nothing feels off and it all seems to flow, surely an interesting tune you got here. 5/5.

Richard D. James?

I gotta note his influence here. I enjoyed how you built up the rhythm first and then boom! started with the main melody. The drums do this melody wonders giving a consonant feel to your ears while this epicness is happening in the background. The adding of arpeggio like sounds halfway through the song just enhance the abstract/hyper feel to the track. Truthfully the way the track is structured (everything attaches just in time) leads me to pick it as one of my favorite from your works, it is one of your most consonant sounding tracks. I like that trick of starting it how it ends.

AliceMako responds:

Richard D. James much? (lol)

I'm so glad you enjoy it cus incidentally this, along with the double d track i did a while later, is a piece that i put way more time and effort in then what i generally post here. (not that that saves it from being crap compared to how i'd want to be but so be it x3)

The inspiration came from this one track called "Vibrequency" by fellow newgrounder LucidSpore, not soundwise specifically but the feeling it gave me.

Video Game

I think there's a video game category and it should go under it as this would easily fit in a game and or animation. With the 12-bar blues I would see why jazz, that being said the song itself is fun to listen to, standard stuff but fun at the same time :D

You can ask Igorina...

to bring the machine. Though this didn't brainwash me like the gizmo near the exit did, it still did leave an impact. Minimalism I presume...really i cant say much about it other than what you yourself stated below on the comments...but towards the end it did however get interesting with those low notes going so freaking fast. I'd like to see you do some sick unusual melody with the ubber duck-esque synth lead.

AliceMako responds:

I'll have her fetch me coffee while i'm at it :3

The object of this genre is provide background noise for ingesting synthetic uppers and dancing so whether or not hypnosis comes into play is up for debate though you're entirely correct in noting it's minimalistic.

I'm actually a bit perplexed why this piece is getting responses at all given that last year i uploaded two examples of considerably more popular subgenres of tekno.

Perhaps it's a novelty to this listener base too, i don't know.

I could make good on your suggestion and find more applications for this type of synth, who knows what'll happen :3

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